More about my anxiety story:


I was desperately seeking contentment from my anxiety for years. I have read so many self-help books, prayed my anxiety away, listened to podcasts, and tried to consume as much information that I could hoping to find a cure for my anxiety. It wasn’t until I watched my mind to figure out what was making me feel anxious and did the thought work for me to be in a place where anxiety wasn’t spilling into every part of my life. I realized that my anxiety will never go away; I just needed to learn how to accept that anxiety was my brain’s way of keeping me safe and that it was OK. I had to figure out how to allow anxiety to be present without reacting

My solution to freedom from anxiety was born from watching my mom have a personal transformation during a Life Coach Certification Program, where I felt inspired to become a Life Coach as well. My mom was becoming a Life Coach to help her with business coaching. As she went through the program, I saw a complete 180 transformation as my mom built confidence, stopped worrying over her business, worked less hours, and was able to relax all by learning how to manage her thoughts and actions

I went through the certification program and felt my life change as well. I learned how to be a watcher of my mind and my thoughts from a place of love and curiosity, not self judgement. I learned that I get to decide what thoughts I choose to think and believe. I learned that my life is not a result of a circumstance, but rather I am in control of my thoughts, actions, and results. I accepted that whatever circumstances happen to me are neutral and I get to choose how I want to respond to the world

After learning these skills, I realized areas in my life where I was letting anxiety make decisions. I realized that I was overeating in response to my anxiety and learned how to eat only when I was hungry and not as a response to emotion. I looked back and saw how isolated I had become as I let friendships dwindle because I felt overwhelmed. I reminisced on all of the opportunities I passed up because of anxiety and fear.  This is not how I want to live my life anymore!