Personalized & Private Coaching:

Over the period of 8 weeks as we private coach together, you’ll gain a new awareness of what causes anxiety and how to manage your anxiety. I’ll help you live in the present moment, relax and enjoy time off, and stop obsessing over everything.

I’ll help you discover the underlying cause of your anxiety, introduce you to new techniques and provide tools to get your anxiety in check, and empower you to rethink and envision your life beyond anxiety. 

Join me and experience life-changing transformation in 8 weeks. End the control that anxiety has over your life and design a life filled with contentment!

You’re Invited to Join Me:

  • From Anxious to Content

    –Group Coaching & Teaching–

    Join a group of all women with anxiety and learn Laney’s method to living a life of contentment. Laney will teach on different topics of anxiety and show you how to manage your mind and thoughts. Be in a group environment with other women who understand what you are going through and support you.

  • VIP From Anxious to Content

    –Group & Private Coaching–

    The ultimate combination!

    Learn from Laney’s group coaching and meet privately with Laney weekly to work on specific needs. Use private coaching time to dig deeper into your thought work.

  • Private VIP Coaching

    –A Personalized Experience–

    Hire Laney for private coaching to help achieve your individualized goals. Weekly coaching can include any topic pertaining to anxiety such as money, relationships, inner dialogue, work, overeating, time management, body image, and COVID.

During our time together, we will work through eight areas where anxiety impacts us most often. Anxiety affects how we show up in multiple areas of our life such as work, relationships, finances and big life decisions.

This work is transformational! The techniques you'll learn and tools you acquire will be used lifelong.

Anxiety effects all aspects of our life:

  • Money

  • Relationships

  • Emotions

  • Health

  • Eating and drinking habits

  • Career, and more!